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Types of acne that often appears and how to treat it

Acne is a condition in which hair follicles in the skin are blocked by oil and dead skin cells. Knowing the various types of acne is one thing that is no less important so that you are not one step in getting rid of acne from the face. Acne can not only worsen the appearance at the time of its appearance. But, it can also leave scars that are no less annoying. The presence of pimples is characterized by oily skin, the appearance of small nodules, and blackheads. There are various types of acne with a variety of locations arising in addition to facial skin. For example, on the shoulders, back, chest, and neck. Some zits may be overcome only by using over-the-counter acne medications. However, several other types of acne can actually make a person stressed and require treatment by a dermatologist because of the severity.

These Types Of Acne May Have Ever Seen On Your Face

Before you decide on the right treatment to overcome it, you should recognize the types of acne below:
  • Cystic acne

  • Someone who has cystic acne will usually be more at risk of having a variety of other types of severe acne. This type of acne is a pimple with a red cyst that is large enough under the skin, and contains pus that makes it look like a boil. If you experience cystic acne or suppurating zits, it is advisable to discuss this with your dermatologist. Because, the use of drugs that are sold freely in stores is usually not effective enough to get rid of this type of acne.
  • Nodulocystic acne (pimple)

  • The condition in which pimples form nodules or lumps of inflamed cystic acne. The color can turn purple or dark red. Severe nodulocystic acne will usually leave a scar that is quite disturbing. Under certain conditions, your doctor may inject corticosteroids directly into the pimple. This is done to reduce inflammation and the size of zits which can be quite painful. The right treatment by your dermatologist can also minimize this acne scarring.
  • Acne conglobata

  • This type of acne is commonly experienced by men in their teens and young adults. There are several things that are thought to play a role in bringing up this type of acne, such as excess testosterone, steroid drugs, and autoimmune conditions. This type of acne is a severe form of acne and involves many inflamed nodules. Lumps in this type of acne are connected to other lumps under the surface of the skin. This zit can spread on the face, back, chest, buttocks, arms, and neck. The scars caused by this type of acne can certainly be very annoying. Correct and timely treatment is important. Immediately consult a dermatologist if you experience this condition.
  • Fulminant acne

  • This type of acne appears suddenly and spreads throughout the body. These inflamed zits appear accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, weakness, there are sores or pimples that break easily, especially in the upper body and face, as well as swelling of the spleen and liver. It is not known exactly what causes this type of acne, but it is thought to be related to high hormone testosterone. This condition is the worst type of acne and must be treated immediately by a dermatologist at the hospital.
In addition to several types of acne above, a variety of other types of acne are grouped according to levels. Starting from mild acne, where acne occurs when you have about 20 blackheads and have about 15 inflamed small nodules. Then there are zits happening when nodules, blackheads, and even more acne scars on your face. In this condition, you may need medication from a dermatologist. And usually, your acne will get worse before finally disappearing from your face.

Get Rid of Acne This Way

For those of you who only have mild acne, don't worry too much. Because you can still use drugs sold in the market, and also keep your face clean. Here are some ways you can do at home to get rid of pimples from the face, including: Diligent washing your face with warm water and cleansers made from soft and not irritating. Do this twice a day. No more or less.
  • Choose the right medicine and avoid buying over-the-counter acne creams without using a doctor's prescription. This can worsen the condition of the face. You can choose products that can remove excess oil and contain sulfur, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or resorcinol. To be sure, adjust to the condition and type of your facial skin.
  • Choose facial products that include noncomedogenic (does not cause blackheads) or use water as the main ingredient.
  • If your face requires sunscreen, make sure the sunscreen you use is oil-free and noncomedogenic.
  • Don't let your dirty hands just touch your face, because this can make the face worse. Also pay attention to objects that touch the face, such as bed linen, face masks, cell phones, and so forth.
  • Avoid squeezing pimples on your face. This will only aggravate or even cause acne on the face to become infected.
Understanding the types of acne is important so that you don't take the wrong step. If the types of acne on your face are quite severe, stop using commercially available acne medications, and don't delay to consult a dermatologist.
